They All Lead To Bond… James Bond

They All Lead To Bond… James Bond

What does this say about me? My Celebrity Crush is and always has been, Pierce Brosnan. I have a car crush as well; the Aston Martin DB5 and Aston Martin V12 Vanquish and unlike the Harry Potter groupies; I am a serial James Bond movie fan. My three favorite crushes all have something in common. Bond, James Bond.

As far back as I can remember when I saw my first Bond film; I was attracted to so many of the components of the series. The lead male characters were all head turners, the cars were beautiful inside and out and equipped with the most modern or futuristic gadgets imaginable. Last but not least, I admired the fact that the women in the Bond films were not just beautiful to look at but were strong in mind and body. I didn’t look at the Bond girls as girls or eye candy, but rather women that were smart and empowered including Miss Moneypenny. I just can’t remember if any of them wore red high heels.

I’ve been lucky enough, thanks to Drew Alcazar of Russo and Steele, to photograph an Aston Martin DB5 for a magazine, but of the 500 cars I’ve test driven, never have I driven one of those classics. I guess you could say all of the things I consider crushes… are on my bucket list. I’d like to interview Pierce Brosnon (if I actually could speak upon meeting him), drive a DB5 or classic Vanquish for a day, and since I’m not a Bond girl or woman material, I’d settle for a ticket to see the new Bond film, Spectre.

The Washington Post kindly gave HER Certified permission to use two of my crush images and refer to their wonderfully written article that I wanted to share. Enjoy the images and best scenes at

I would like to hear about your trifecta of crushes or bucket list. It doesn’t need to be Bond related… just fun! (email to: [email protected])

Oh Yes! I would be amiss if I didn’t include the fact I also like Martini’s Shaken not stirred.

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Vehicle added!
The vehicle is already in the wishlist!