The Book

Unlike other How to Buy a Car guides, this book is the story of a young girl who was destined to be a part of the auto industry. Through her personal experiences she will take you along on her journey from being an astonished observer of her father’s unorthodox car buying system to being the owner of an automotive ad agency. She will share with you the knowledge that she has acquired over her 40+ years of car-buying.

Sprinkled liberally with her unique take on the world of auto dealerships, she will systematically show you how to negotiate the process of buying a car on your own. Beginning with a look at just how important women are to the car market via some eye-popping stats, she will guide you through the research, dealership selection process, test drives, negotiating, and financing steps that will place you happily into your next vehicle. This book is based on knowing what you want, doing your homework, and having the confidence to negotiate a fair deal without the assistance of a guy.

This is not a dealer bashing, nor is it filled with secret codes; it’s an honest look at one of the most expensive purchases a person makes in their lives. The author believes car buying can be fair to all parties, stress free, safe, and potentially fun. Each chapter ends with useful takeaways and her opinion for changes to the car buying system entitled If I owned a dealership. After so many years in the auto industry, the author’s candid, sassy writing and recommendations will impart her wisdom to both men and women alike. Happy car hunting!

A Woman’s Guide to Buying a Car with Confidence and Street Smarts in paperback is $19.95 including shipping and taxes.