High Heels and Auto Insurance

High Heels and Auto Insurance

by Tony Komadina

For most of my 35+ years I spent in the retail car business, I’ve had a personal friendship with fellow Moon Valley resident, and Auto Journalist, Cathy Droz. A few years ago, Cathy decided to write a book about car buying and car dealership experiences, from a woman’s perspective.

I was honored to consult (in a very small way) but I give full credit to Cathy for her insightful approach to something a lot of women (and men) simply don’t like doing: Car buying.

hercertified-book-coverIn her book, A Woman’s Guide to Buying a Car with Confidence and Street Smarts, Don’t Let These High Heels Fool You she outlines in a straightforward, yet entertaining way, everything a woman needs to know about car buying. Using the purchase of a pair of high heels for comparison, she playfully and skillfully empowers the reader with the knowledge needed to make a good deal, and to further develop a relationship with the dealership service dept.

Cathy correctly points out, doing a ‘wants vs. needs’ analysis should precede the dealership visit. Establishing a budget, understanding your credit score, knowing how you intend to use the car, and how long you will own it are a few considerations. Cathy says, Doing your research in advance and understanding the process at the dealership, will ensure a good experience and allow you to make a better deal. Right to the point!

HighThere are a couple of considerations often overlooked however: Gas, and Insurance. With gas now at around $2.00 (down from almost $4.00 two years ago), it’s easy to ‘overlook’ gas mileage ratings. Don’t. Fuel prices can and will increase. Your insurance is very important too.

It’s a mistake to have limited coverage, or low limits all in the name of saving money. Don’t let an accident ruin your life financially, due to an ill-advised policy with limited coverage.

Just as you researched your car purchase, there are things taken into consideration when talking with your insurance company:
¢ Drivers in the household, and driving records
¢ Claims history (5 years)
¢ Continuous coverage (policy lapses)
¢ Repair expense, safety features
¢ Discounts you may qualify-for

Cathy makes another great point, Whether buying a car, a pair of high heels, or insurance… do your research and work with someone you trust.

For more information on how to buy a car go to www.hercertified.com. If you would like a complimentary review and quote on your car insurance and a FREE copy of Cathy’s book, come see me at the Komadina Agency 805 E. Thunderbird Rd. #106. I can also be reached at www.farmersagent.com/tkomadina or 602-334-1955.

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