Car Insurance Shopping Tips for Parents

Car Insurance Shopping Tips for Parents

by Cathy Droz, Founder – HER Certified

People ask me all the time about car insurance, especially when their teens start driving. When it comes to buying a car, I know what you need to present to the dealer, but what about when your little girl passes her driver’s test and wants to borrow the car? I thought it best I go to an expert to discuss car insurance and teens. I asked Tony Komadina to give me the top five tips parents should follow for car insurance shopping.


The Big Day: My Kid Got a Car!

By: Tony Komadina

It’s somewhat a Right of Passage in most homes when the kids get their driver’s licenses and of course, the FIRST CAR! Having had the experience myself years ago, by now you’ve established the budget, type of vehicle, and perhaps the ground rules of usage. That’s what parents do.

My comments to follow are about a very important part of this process: Auto Insurance. As exciting (and fun) as it might be to help the kids take this big step toward young adulthood, we have an obligation to make certain the mistakes young drivers often make, don’t wipe you out financially. With a little planning and research you can rest easier knowing your insurance will be there if the need arises. Things to do:

1. Notify Your Insurance Company– Call your Agent to provide the make, model, and VIN of the vehicle. Provide name, DOB, and driver’s license # of the new driver. You likely will want to add the child to your policy as an in household driver, in lieu of establishing a stand-alone policy. By adding the new driver to your policy should save you money over the other option.

2. Ask for Discounts– Most insurance companies give discounts for good students, completed driver education programs, or students away-at-school without a car. If they don’t offer any, shop around until you find a company offering them.

3. Don’t Hide the Kids– Occasionally parents try to get by without adding the child to the policy. Insurance companies are good at finding unrated or undisclosed drivers. Be honest about it. You should know, if an undisclosed driver is in an accident, the insurance company can deny the claim. It isn’t worth it. Don’t let a big claim ruin you financially, trying to save a few dollars by not disclosing the new driver(s) in your household.

4. Examine Your Policy– This is a great opportunity to make certain YOU’RE properly covered. Do you have enough liability coverage? Do you have enough uninsured/underinsured coverage? Should you increase your deductibles? Ask! If your agent is doing his/her job, you’ll get the right answers. If not, get a new agent.

5. Enjoy the Ride
– This is a great time of your life, as well as for your kids. Have fun, take a road trip, go to the car wash together. In a few years they will be doing the same with their own kids… don’t miss out!

Tony has offered my associates the ability to call him if you have any questions, or would like a no obligation quote. You can call the Tony Komadina Agency at 602.334.1955. A licensed Farmers Agent located at 805 E. Thunderbird Rd. Moon Valley -Phoenix. A woman friendly agent and friend.


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