Blind Dates and Cars

Blind Dates and Cars

by Cathy Droz, Founder – HER Certified

carIt’s been a while since I’ve dated, but I was thinking about years ago when I went on blind dates. On my way home from the date, good or bad, I would always go over in my mind everything during that three hour or more date. I would think about who set me up, family? Friend? I would go over the first phone call, to what I wore, my first impression, his body language, did he listen, did he seem to care, did he understand my priorities, lifestyle, my funny and bad experiences with other dates, did I want to see him again? If the answer was yes, it was a good date. However, if it was a bad date, I would have told him way before he walked me to the door, as I want to be treated a certain way. I always drove my own car to meet a blind date for those exact reasons so I could leave whenever I wanted.

Same with your car experience… if you just shook hands and you thanked your sales associate for a good experience in buying your car, you can look back at the time you spent making the right decision, researching for the right vehicle, choosing your sales associate, negotiating from a place of knowledge, exuding confidence and walking out if you were not happy. You should feel good about the time you spent to get the vehicle you wanted or needed.

I’ve probably leased, bought and financed for myself and others over 40 cars, goodness knows I’ve test driven over 500. I’ve always suggested folks reward themselves… take a friend to lunch, drop by your parents or children’s home to show them what you’ve purchased and give them a ride in your new car. It is an accomplishment and a reason to celebrate.

alv-toyota-red-heelsI’ve gone shopping to celebrate and I’ve purchased a pair of High Heels. This was so that every time I would wear them it reminded me of the day I purchased a car on my own and felt good about it. You see half the fun is knowing what you are doing and gaining the respect in a male dominated business.

Maybe you want to write a review of your first test drive or your first month owning the car. Many auto websites welcome reviews from owners, actually those reviews garner more attention than ones I write where the manufacturer gives me the car to drive.

When people say they would rather have a root canal than buy a car or spend one minute in a car dealership, I disagree, I would rather buy a car. (I’ve had root canals.)

Then there always is the tradition that my father and I started and that’s having ice cream after each purchase. However, there are more than three flavors since I started buying cars.


Vehicle added!
The vehicle is already in the wishlist!